Fleishers Craft Butchery | CT

Founded in 2004

Name: Fleishers Craft Butchery Phone: (718) 398-6666 Website: https://www.fleishers.com Likes: 132 Likes Address: 192 5th Ave City, State: Brooklyn, NY Description:

Our Story

From the beginning, Fleishers set out to make a positive change in the community. We started in 2004 as a single butcher shop with a single purpose – to show that locally raised, pasture fed meats were better. Better for your health. Better for the planet. And remarkably better tasting.

We did it by developing expertise as whole animal butchers, building relationships with local farmers, and exploring ways we could share our passion and know-how with a growing community interested in responsibly sourced meats. We quickly made a name for ourselves as a high quality butchery. But as we grew, we realized that simply sourcing the best meats wasn’t enough. We needed to raise our own animals – our own way, making sure it measured up to our standards at every step – from Feed to Fork.


Our Vision

MEAT RAISED RIGHT is more than a slogan. It’s a challenge. And it’s the vision that drives everything we do.

Today, we have proudly grown from being at the forefront of a collection of butcher shops dedicated to providing better quality meats, to become an industry leader dedicated to developing better quality standards. We proudly raise our own pasture grazed livestock, mill our own feed, and are still considered the most skilled butchers in the business.

We will continue to offer the healthiest, most flavorful meat, by setting the highest standards, and creating innovative and sustainable practices to exceed them. We eagerly embrace our chosen role as the leading voice, and proud provider for a community that desires better standards – for better eating, and a healthier, happier living.


Our Approach


Quality of life for the animal equates to quality of meat for your table.

Every step is taken to ensure our animals are given the most natural environment for a healthy life, with an emphasis on pasture grazing and our own locally milled, non-GMO feed.


Fleishers means butchers, and expert butchering makes a difference.

We pride ourselves on having created the standard for mastery in meat cutting. We train all our butchers at the very highest level, emphasizing selection of cuts for quality, sustainability, and use of the whole animal.


The reason for our great meats, is to create real connections.

Forming meaningful relationships with everyone from our farmers to our customers is how we create a pathway that better connects people with the food they eat. This is only possible through a willingness to understand our customer needs, an eagerness to educate on our approach, and a dedication to exceed all expectations with every order.

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