Cocktail Kits 2 Go | NY

Whether it’s a picnic or middle seat in Economy Class, it’s easier to find a beer on the road than it is a good stiff drink. Cocktail Kits 2 Go make the latter possible by packing all the ingredients needed for an old fashioned or daiquiri — sugar and bitters or sugar and lime, respectively — into a package roughly the size of an Altoids tin.

Cocktail Kits 2 Go - Old Fashioned - Farm2Me

They include a spoon for mixing, so all you need is a glass and a small bottle of whiskey or rum to enjoy a couple drinks.

Justin founded Cocktail Crate in New York City, where he started the operation out of his Apartment.  Now, he is in production, in hundreds of platforms.  It’s amazing to see him grow!

Cocktail Kits 2 Go - Gin Smash - Farm2Me


Cocktail Kits 2 Go

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For more information, visit and follow @CocktailKits2Go

Cocktail Kits 2 Go are made and sold in New York City.




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