SlowPitch | Ep 07: Dairy

Thursday at 3pm PT

LIVE! Ep. 07: Dairy Brands w/ Julie Smolyansky at Lifeway Kefir and Calley Hastings at Fat Toad Farm

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Today’s Founders:

Garry Michael at Farm2Me
Julie Smolyansky of Lifeway Foods
Calley Hastings of Fat Toad Farm
Daniel Kurzrock of ReGrained
David Murphy of Food Democracy Now!
Dino Borri at Eataly and Slow Food
Lisa Sohanpal of Nom Noms World

Alejandro Lopez of Toma
Courtney Boyd Myers of AKUA
Andreas Düss of Boreal Botanical
Candice Crane of Petal Beverage
Dr. Christopher Daugherty
Stephen Smith of Onda Wellness
Paul Frantellizzi 🇺🇸 of Blissful Plant
Heather K. Terry of GoodSam
Richard Lassalle of HEALTHPUNK
Akua A. Kyerematen-Nettey of Berry Bissap
Lev Berlin of Recipal

and more

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