Starting a Gift Baskets Co?

You’ve had plans to put together a gift basket company?

And you want to support small batch producers, to put 1 item of each in your basket, and sell a minimum of 10 baskets in an order? That’s what Farm2Me Wholesale App is built for!  YOU.

Most products come in 12 pack cases, and your margin can be 50%. So taking a 10 person order will more than cover your wholesale order, your time, profit, and some free goodies to use towards future baskets or to give to friends & fam.

Make your list of product categories for:
“Get Well”
“Business: New Hires”
“New Business Gifts”
“Home & Hospitality”

Search for the products you’re looking for:

Cocktail Kits 2 Go - Old Fashioned - Farm2Me

The Farm2Me App always sorts by your geographical area, so you’re always supporting and purchasing from local food makers and farms – in every item added to your shopping bag.

You can use Photoshop Mix or Canva to edit your basket offering images. All of our images come with white backgrounds, pull them off of our website, save them, add them to Photoshop Mix and Auto-Remove the background. Then you can just mix and match products into your “Basket” images as you will. Or get creative how you want to collage and display your basket’s contents.


Make it a minimum of 10 baskets per order.

And a margin of 50%+ (retail price and your labor & shipping).

Then whenever you get an order, just order a 12-case of the products (paid for by the customer), assemble it in your “HQ”, and send out the Gift Baskets the next day.

Just look at these Baskets from Harry And David… $100 min per basket! For what?  Generic product, that’s marked up 200%+.

Most products in the local food space on the Farm2Me Wholesale App cost $5-7 per item at wholesale. Combine 10 products in a basket , and the cost is $50-70. Your margin is 30-50%.

Add $10 for shipping and sell your boxes for $100-110.

You’re offering the best quality products for $10 more than mass produced imports from g-d knows where.



$100 a basket
Costs you $5-7 per item at wholesale
10 items
10 baskets
$300-500 profit
100 business ‘new hire’ baskets and you’re making $3,000 – $5,000 per company order
10 companies order from you a year and you just made $30,000-$50,000 extra a year

And its fun!!

You can even hire people in your community to help assemble – helping the local economy!

If it gets crazy….
The hardest part is the wholesale ordering and we’ve streamlined it with the new Farm2Me Wholesale App. No more need to research, screen, reach out and wait for communication, organize, order, manage, ship, stress about managing 40 different producers. It’s all in one place, and its a click away!

Best part…. at the same wholesale price the producers charge on their site and the same price grocery stores purchase.


For more information, visit and follow @Farm2Me

Farm2Me is location-based across 18 countries by State/Provence.

Ready to build a business of your own?

Start your free storefront on Farm2Me today!