Organic Beef Scorecard | 2025 Cornucopia Institute

Organic Beef Scorecard: If you’re new to the Organic Beef Score Card by Cornucopia Institute, you can search your neighborhood “organic” “grass fed” “humanely raised” beef and see if they’re 1 🥩  or 5 🥩 🥩 🥩 🥩 🥩  

This will also let you understand what parameters to ask about when you yourself are at the farmers market (e.g. Indoor Space Per Animal, Outdoor Space Per Animal, Inspected or Not, Organic Commitment, Ownership Structure – Corporate vs Family, Supplemental Feed, etc – super interesting!)

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It’s worth noting that specialty stores charge $18 a pound for Grass Fed Beef that are a 1 🐄   rating. You can’t know which is truly organic or which is fake, until….. The Cornucopia Institute, a nonprofit agricultural watchdog group that reveals industrial practices within the elastic organic standards, began rating eggs over five years ago. You can go through the list and see that Wholefoods / Wegmans is a 1 🥩 , your butcher is a 2 🥩 🥩, and your neighborhood farmers market $12 a pound is a 5 🥩 🥩 🥩 🥩 🥩  Eggs, poultry, dairy, grain products and more were turned into Score Cards on their website:

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