Firework Safety and Helping Farmers

Fireworks can be entertaining yet also dangerous. Since July 4th is this weekend, we thought we would share some tips about staying safe. 

  1. Have a bucket of water nearby – this is used to put out matches and put out any fireworks that may get too big.
  2. Make sure fireworks are legal in your area before buying or using them.
  3. Set off fireworks on hard pavement – this gives the fireworks a stable place to explode and prevents any unintended fires.
  4. Do not drink and set off fireworks – impaired decision-making and fireworks do not mix well. If you do want to drink this weekend, have a designated person set the fireworks off.
  5. Back up to a safe distance immediately after lighting fireworks
  6. Do not hold a lit firework – Sparklers are fine. Still, any firework that explodes will cause serious injury if it is set off in your hand.
  7. Don’t set them off near any buildings or vehicles- this is to avoid setting anything on fire that is not supposed to be
  8. Keep pets indoors – this ensures their safety.
  9. Always put the firework out with water – even if you don’t think it’s lit anymore, there could still be a few embers that can still catch on fire.
  10. Have fun – have fun this weekend, just keep these tips in mind


While fireworks are fun and all, it’s essential to keep in mind that wildfires push farmers off their land. While some fires can benefit the soil, many mass fires that we see in places like California and Central America are doing more harm than good. Plus, the wildfires are destroying millions of dollars worth of crops and homes. By preventing fires, you are helping farmers stay on their property.



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