Our community

In September of 2014, Wholesome Wave, along with cyclist Glenn Charles, embarked on a 500 mile Farm to Table Cycle campaign. Traveling from Bridgeport, CT to Portland, ME, Charles cycled to farms, farmers markets, food hubs, schools, and restaurants to showcase what a sustainable and vibrant food system looks like. The video below highlights the wisdom that emerged from meeting with such a wide array of community leaders. In subsequent posts we will spotlight some of the outstanding individuals and innovative solutions we encountered along the way.

Wholesome Wave wants all Americans, starting with the most disadvantaged, to have access to affordable, healthy food. We want small and mid-sized farms to thrive, meeting an invigorated demand for healthy, local food. We want public policy to emphasize food equity and reflect the intimate linkages between human health, economic health, environmental health and the food system. Wholesome Wave is changing the world we eat in.

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