The Ginger Detox

by Tiffany Kingsley


There is a bit of a baking frenzy that happens in my house during December.  My family and I have a blast making all sorts of sweet treats and baked goods, and I do my best to make them low carb, gluten and dairy free, and healthy…or at least healthyER.  I think my favorite new baked creation this last season was the Honey’d Paleo Pumpkin Pie!  Even though the treats that come out of my kitchen are usually pretty healthy, they are fairly heavy (mostly made with nut flour), and by the end of December I’m ready to move on to lighter fare.  It’s time to detox for the new year, which means I will be eating more fruits and veggies, especially the green leafy ones!


Instead of feeling guilty in the month of January for the heavier food I ate in December, I think of my food plan in terms of phases.  December is a month of sweets and treats, and in January I eat lighter foods that help me detox.  I’ve learned to listen to healthy cravings, and right now I’m really craving smoothies and salads!  I’d like to encourage you to drop the guilt that most people feel in January, and allow for different phases in your eating plan!  Of course, if you haven’t learned how to bake clean, healthier treats, check out some of my recipes for baked goods.  It’ll make your heavier eating seasons healthier.  Baked goods do not have to be destructive to your health!


In the spirit of lighter food, with an emphasis on fresh produce, I’d like to share another smoothie recipe with you.  This one has everything you need to start your detox off right!  The pineapples, barely green banana, and ginger will kickstart your digestion.  Ginger is also anti-inflammatory, and so are the omega-3 fatty acids in flax seeds.  The fat in the coconut milk and flax seeds will slow down the sugar from the fruits in this smoothie as they absorb into your system.  Orange juice and raspberries bring antioxidants to the table.  Of course, the baby spinach is a leafy green, so it pretty much carries with it every health benefit imaginable.  This smoothie is filling enough to replace a meal, too.  This is admittedly a long list of ingredients for a smoothie, but I recommend keeping these items in your pantry and fridge on a regular basis.  They’re all a staple part of our diet!




Ginger Berry Detox Smoothie (Serves 1)


  • 1 Cup of Baby Spinach
  • 1/2 Cup Frozen Pineapples
  • 1/2 Cup Frozen Raspberries
  • 1/2 Cup Light Coconut Cream
  • 1/2 Cup Orange Juice (the real kind, with 100% juice)
  • 1 Tbsp Flax Seeds
  • 1 Small Chunk of Fresh Ginger
  • 1/4 of a Slightly Green Banana


Combine all of your ingredients in the blender and run it on high until it is your desired consistency.


If you’re ready to detox, but don’t want to do anything drastic, I suggest you start your day with a smoothie, eat some kind of filling salad for lunch, then eat a light soup for dinner (links for recipes follow).  If you get hungry for snacks in between, eat fruit, veggies, and nuts.  You can also eat a small chunk of a 70% chocolate bar to satisfy your sweet tooth.  If you eat like this for a week, your body will be healthier, and you’ll probably lose some weight.  Just be aware that detoxing can feel uncomfortable at first, as your body flushes out the toxins.  It’s kind of like beating the dust out of a carpet…the air is murky for a while, but when it clears up it was totally worth the mess.


If your mornings are rushed, and you do not have time to make breakfast, try to find a smoothie bar near you that serves pure fruit and veggie smoothies.  Find and meet Farm2me’s Network of Local Food Makers and Farms in your neighborhood.



Note:  I’m not a doctor, and these suggestions are based on my own experiences, research, and over a decade of working with nutritionists.  If you have a serious medical condition make sure to discuss any detox plan with your doctor or qualified nutritionist. 


Tiffany is the founder of the health food blog “Great Food and Lifestyle.”  She is a stay at home mother of 4, who was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in the spring of 2013.  After being diagnosed, Tiffanydecided to take a natural approach, and has dealt with her disease without drugs.  She lost 8 sizes and made healthy changes for her whole family.  Now Tiffany creates healthy, delicious recipes that are gluten free and mostly dairy free, and shares them on her website to help inspire others.



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